study_lyte package


study_lyte.adjustments module

study_lyte.cropping module

study_lyte.decorators module

study_lyte.depth module

study_lyte.detect module module

study_lyte.logging module


Set up the root logger in python. Args:

debug: Whether to log debug statements

study_lyte.plotting module

study_lyte.profile module

study_lyte.relationships module

study_lyte.stats module

study_lyte.styles module

class study_lyte.styles.EventStyle(value)[source]

Bases: Enum

Styles for plotting events in a timeseries, enums defined by color, line style and line width

ERROR = ('orangered', 'dotted', 1)
GROUND = ('sienna', '--', 1)
IMPACT = ('cyan', 'dotted', 1)
LONG_PRESS = ('magenta', 'dotted', 1)
START = ('g', '--', 1)
STOP = ('r', '--', 1)
SURFACE = ('lightsteelblue', '--', 1)
UNKNOWN = ('k', '--', 1)
property color
classmethod from_name(name)[source]
property label
property linestyle
property linewidth
class study_lyte.styles.SensorStyle(value)[source]

Bases: Enum

Enum to handle plotting titles and preferred colors

ACCELERATION = ('acceleration', 'Acc. Magn.', 'darkgreen')
ACC_X_AXIS = ('X-Axis', 'X-Axis', 'darkslategrey')
ACC_Y_AXIS = ('Y-Axis', 'Y-Axis', 'darkgreen')
ACC_Z_AXIS = ('Z-Axis', 'Z-Axis', 'darkorange')
ACTIVE_NIR = ('nir', 'NIR', 'crimson')
CONSTRAINED_BAROMETER = ('barometer', 'Constr. Baro.', 'navy')
FUSED = ('fused', 'Fused', 'magenta')
RAW_ACTIVE_NIR = ('Sensor3', 'Raw Active', 'crimson')
RAW_AMBIENT_NIR = ('Sensor2', 'Ambient', 'darkorange')
RAW_BARO = ('filtereddepth', 'Raw Baro.', 'Brown')
RAW_FORCE = ('Sensor1', 'Raw Force', 'black')
property color
property column
classmethod from_column(column)[source]
property label

Module contents

Top-level package for Study Lyte .